Does having a shop front make you more credible versus working from your home when it comes to your business? Is working from home seen as just a hobby and that you're not a serious business owner?
I have struggled with these questions for quite some time now. I am a business owner working from home. Does this mean I am less of a business compared to those who chose to have a shopfront? Is my business seen to be just as serious as those who have a shopfront?
I have chosen not to have a shopfront for many reasons. Some of which are, we have 2 young children. Working from home allows me to be able to do pick up's and drop off's to school and afternoon activities, during school holidays I don't have to pay for vacation care, $65 per day per child. Yes I know that you do get a percentage of this back from the Government, but that's 3 mths later, which means during school holidays I have to find an extra $650 for every week their in vacation care. That's a lot of cupcakes before I can even break even! Working from home allows me the flexibility to be able to look after the kids during these times. This does mean that trying to work with 2 young children is near impossible. It's the constant, mum I'm hungry, mum he hit me, mum she looked at me, mum we're bored, not to mention the sweet sweet sounds of them fighting and arguing throughout the day. Or the shhhhhh kids I'm on the phone with a customer spiel as they're running up to you to ask you the very important question that just can't wait. It's enough to drive you to a mental asylum!
Another reason for not wanting a shop is having the added stress and pressure of working to pay for rent, electricity and other overheads such as staff for example. If it's a quiet week, well then, the fans will get cleaned and maybe I'll catch up on my washing! I certainly don't have to worry about where I will find the money to pay for the staffs wages and rent. I've come from a family of chefs and hospitality workers I know how hard it is. I grew up laying on the freezer in the kitchen watching tv and doing my homework. It's not fun. However, I do miss telling the chef what I want for dinner each night and not having to worry about doing the dishes cause there was always waitstaff for that. Ahhhhhh the memories! But I also remember, not seeing my parents, not going on holidays, not having time to sit and do the little things cause there was always a million things still needing to be done in the restaurants and cafes. Fending for myself cause I knew how busy and tired they were.
Running a business is not an easy thing. It's not pretty and glamorous. I certainly don't get around in a cutesy frilly apron, styled french roll updo, makeup that is flawless with little blue birds sitting on my window ledge singing. Quite the opposite. It's a boring old striped chefs apron, hair pulled back in a bun, no makeup and bloody myna birds pooping all over my back verandah. Oh yeah it's glamorous. I'm generally covered in a mixture of ganache, flour, eggs, and water from doing the dishes. Dishes don't even get me started on that. Never ending.
The idea that I get to have long lunches and coffee with my girlfriends is so far from the reality of it it's not funny. There are certainly some negatives to working from home, the big one for me is there is just no escape. Work is always there in your face. I remember when I use to work in an office, you would finish work and go home and it would just be a sense of ahhhhhh and you could relax. The day was over so to speak. For me I struggle with this. Sometimes I wonder if I should just get a shop for the mere fact that I can walk out, lock the door and go home. But is that a reason to get a shop? Probably not.
If I had a shop I could increase my capacity to take on more orders, people would no longer come to my home unannounced on a Sunday afternoon when I'm snoozing on my couch, yes that's happened, customers could just freely come and go, my lounge room wouldn't need to free of the kids crap, ummm I mean personal belongings, I could sell products which would increase my revenue and so on.....I also wouldn't be lonely. Yep, I admit it. Working for yourself can at times be lonely. There's no one to talk to, there's no one to bounce ideas off, there's no one there to kick your butt when you're being slack! I have been known to talk to myself at times just to avoid boredom. There I admitted it! But of course with all of that comes the extra stress and pressure of dealing with staff, paying the extra bills and expenses, having none or little free time with the family, not being able to take time off without the worry or stress of the staff ruining your business while you're gone, or even wind it back a little if it's getting too much, cause remember there's the rent and wages to pay and well the list goes on.....
There are certainly pro's and con's to having a shop or working from home. But for me there's no difference in the fact that I'm trying to earn a living like 99.9% of the population out there. I need to contribute towards my family like a lot of you out there otherwise we would not survive. And it's hard work. So I suppose that answers my question about being serious v's a hobby. More and more mothers are choosing to stay and work from home for the same reasons I am. In today's economic climate most households require 2 incomes. And going back to full time work for some is not an option, cause you're really only working to pay for childcare or after school/vacation care fees. So what's the point? I suppose I saw an opportunity to still be able to provide towards my family by working from home which still allowed me to look after our kids without having to pay for care. I know this isn't possible for everyone, but for me it was and is.
I think some of questions still need answering, like does having a shop front make you more credible versus working from your home when it comes to your business or is my business seen to be just as serious as those who have a shopfront. I'd like to think not, but I think the perception amongst people is that if you have a shopfront you're serious. I don't know if I agree with that. Shops pop up and pop down, so to speak. I've been trading as Happy Cakes now for 5 years this July and I'm still going. Happy Cakes has provided an income for my family over this period of time so to me it's a serious business.
I think that at the end of the day though being a shop front owner or work from home owner what we both have in common is that we're just trying to make a living. Working from home I don't believe makes me any less serious about my work and customers than those that have a shop front.
Would love to hear your thoughts though.
Happy caking.
PPS I told you!
I couldn't wait to get to the end of the post so I could comment. I even jumped onto the laptop for the first time in a week so I could type faster.
I have worked from home for 15 years now, seven of which have included child raising. Working from home and caring for children is the most difficult task in the world. I understand everything you have said. I too have dreamt of a shopfront but honestly I thought it would feel suffocating after a while. I would love having dedicated time just to work but at the same time, I would be stuck in that shop 5 days a week when it might be a great day for the park or the backyard. Having a skill that allows you to generate income yet stay home with your children is the greatest gift we can ever have.
As for home meaning hobby, I don't believe that is true for many of us. A hobby is something that you do in your spare time for enjoyment without any expectation of income. I work very hard at my business and it generates most of our income at the moment. Even when my husband had a great job, I still brought in 40% of our income and nursed a baby for 13 months.
There may be a time and place for shopfronts and right now I know my time is best spent with little ones.
Of course I would prefer it if I didn't have to stop work to wash dishes or cook dinner, but those things would always need doing either way.
Amazing! Thanks for posting
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If the decor is done well, birthdays can be more enjoyable and can cheer everyone up. The environment and colour scheme play a significant role in creating the mood. Here are some suggestions for creating stunning birthday party decorations with a theme.
Hanging some colourful paper lanterns is a unique way to add colour to your stage decorating. They appear artistic and endearing. Instead of using traditional table centrepieces, hang balloon bouquets with some flowers inside above the tables. Add some blossoms and greenery on the table to complement the elegant design.
Birthday Decoration in Home, Once it is finished, our rooms filled with balloons are ready to catch everyone's attention during the party. Cut the cake in front of the decoration, and don't forget to use it as a backdrop for photos with your friends.
This decoration is quite similar to the last one, but it only uses several balloons and doesn't include any other materials.
Birthday celebration balloons are a classic symbol of a party. People around the world use balloons at birthday parties. They’ve stuck so well because they are inexpensive and colorful. Balloons delight both kids and adults. The “technology” of balloons has not changed too much, but the design options and creativity with them have evolved immensely.
Best Pandit in Ujjain for Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja, The "Kal Sarp" Dosha and the "Kartari" Dosha are comparable. In his Samhita "Janak Nabh Samyukta," Varahamihira refers to it as "Sarpa Yoga," not "Kaal Sarpadosh." In addition, "Sarvali" contains a description of "Sarpa Yoga." The words "Kaal" and "Dosha" are not present here either. The Vedic or ancient astrology scriptures make no explicit mention of Kalsarp Dosh.
Balloons used to celebrate birthdays are a traditional party emblem. At birthday parties, people use balloons all around the world. They've succeeded so well because they're affordable and vibrant. Children and adults both enjoy balloons. The "technology" of balloons has not changed all that much, but the design possibilities and level of ingenuity have. There are now countless ways to celebrate birthdays for people of all ages using balloons.
Birthday Decoration at Home, Balloons used to celebrate birthdays are a traditional party emblem. At birthday parties, people use balloons all around the world. They've succeeded so well because they're affordable and vibrant. Children and adults both enjoy balloons. The "technology" of balloons has not changed all that much, but the design possibilities and level of ingenuity have. There are now countless ways to celebrate birthdays for people of all ages using balloons.
Balloon Decoration near me, Balloons used to celebrate birthdays are a traditional party emblem. At birthday parties, people use balloons all around the world. They've succeeded so well because they're affordable and vibrant. Children and adults both enjoy balloons. The "technology" of balloons has not changed all that much, but the design possibilities and level of ingenuity have. There are now countless ways to celebrate birthdays for people of all ages using balloons. There will be less celebrations for those big occasions because everyone is currently trying to spend as much time at home as possible and feels socially distant. The top balloon decorators in Mumbai are offered by 7eventzz.
However, if you have a loved one whose birthday or anniversary is approaching in the upcoming weeks.
A person gets Mangal Dosha if Mars is in the first, fourth, seventh, eighth, or twelfth house in their horoscope. Such a person visits the Mangalnath temple and prays before being married.
Because of this, Mangalnath Temple is among the well-known temples in Ujjain. In addition to visiting the temple, visitors go to the Mangalnath temple.
Mangal Dosh Puja Ujjain
Many users have recently subscribed to Microsoft 365. so that they can take use of all the services' advantages. However, customers must move their old data to Microsoft 365 after subscribing to Microsoft 365. in order for that user to view older data. Users must import PST to Office 365 in order to import emails into the platform.
In this article, we'll go over both the manual and third-party software migration methods for importing PST files into Office 365.
A user performs MBOX to EML conversion to gain access to data in Windows Live Mail or other email clients. Users can do the data migration and sharing process with the aid of EML files.
The mailbox storage file format is called MBOX. It compiles several emails into a single file. This file is used to hold user information by Mozilla Thunderbird, Apple Mail, Eudora, Entourage, and other popular email clients. Despite this, a lot of users convert MBOX files to EML formats.
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The most famous Buddha Statues In Thailand are the Emerald Buddha and the Reclining Buddha. The Emerald Buddha is located in the Grand Palace in Bangkok and is the most revered statue in the country. The statue is made of jade and is said to be about 2,500 years old. The Reclining Buddha is a gold-plated statue located in Wat Pho in Bangkok. The statue is over forty feet long and is a symbol of the Buddha entering Nirvana.
Balloons used to celebrate birthdays are a traditional party emblem. At birthday parties, people use balloons all around the world. They've succeeded so well because they're affordable and vibrant. Children and adults both enjoy balloons. The "technology" of balloons has not changed all that much, but the design possibilities and level of ingenuity have. There are now countless ways to celebrate birthdays for people of all ages using balloons. There will be less celebrations for those big occasions because everyone is currently trying to spend as much time at home as possible and feels socially distant. The best balloon decorators in Mumbai are what we offer.
However, if you have a loved one whose birthday or anniversary is approaching in the upcoming weeks.
There will be less celebrations for those big occasions because everyone is currently trying to spend as much time at home as possible and feels socially distant. The best balloon decorators in Mumbai are what we offer.
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Zimbra TGZ files are promptly processed by SysCurve Zimbra to Outlook Converter, which also offers a straightforward method for converting TGZ to PST format. Any version of MS Outlook can be used to open the converted PST file. The tool TGZ to PST Converter doubles as Zimbra Viewer. It lists all emails and instantly loads TGZ files.
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The NDA Entrance Exam is conducted twice a year for admission of aspirants in Army, Navy and airforce wings. This entrance exam is divided into two stages first is written exam and the second stage is SSB interview.
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The best tool is SysCurve MBOX to Outlook Converter. You can convert MBOX files to the PST, MSG, EML, HTML, MHTML, and RTF formats using this programme. All of the popular MBOX email applications, including Mozilla Thunderbird, Eudora, Apple Mail, and Opera Mail, are supported by the MBOX Converter Tool. The file formats MBOX, MBX, and MBS are supported. You can also convert Thunderbird to PST format with this MBOX to PST converter. This utility makes it simple to convert MBOX to various file formats such as PST, EML, and MSG. You can use this to export the chosen emails in the EML, MSG, RTF, and HTML formats. You may convert Apple Mail to Outlook without any problem by using this programme to convert Apple Mail to PST. with its support.
This decoration is quite similar to the last one, but it only uses several balloons and doesn't include any other materials. Select a wall in your home that is unoccupied, then cover the wall with balloons to complete the decoration. The simplest method of balloon decoration is this one. It's also pretty calm and uncomplicated to look at.
According to your preferences, choose balloons of the same colour shade or a variety of shades, and start taping them onto the wall. After finishing a row or column, move on to the next. Add until you're completely satisfied. Once you're satisfied, sign the contract. This wall can also be used as a photo booth where you can take numerous shots.
The glory of Ujjain has always been unique in Indian scriptures; it is thought that when the meritorious fruits were divided according to pilgrimages, Ujjain was given more virtues because it is the city of Mahakal.
The SysCurve Video Repair Tool enables you to simultaneously fix several video files. After uploading the file, it immediately patches damaged video files without affecting the video's quality or file structure. The finest method for fixing damaged video files is provided by this utility. You may also correct video clips taken by top manufacturers like Sony, Nikon, Canon, and Go Pro using this programme.
According to your preferences, choose balloons of the same colour shade or a variety of shades, and start taping them onto the wall. After finishing a row or column, move on to the next. Add until you're completely satisfied. Once you're satisfied, sign the contract. This wall can also be used as a photo booth where you can take numerous shots.
The incredibly straightforward response to this query is that man's deeds determine whether sicknesses, yoga, delight, disconnection, coincidence, or defect form the basis of everything; God does not place any yoga or disease in anyone's horoscope. Karma is merely Karma, but when a person seeks shelter in the supreme power after feeling upset by the law that his Karma had produced and asks for protection, God gives special consideration to their plea and takes away the negative effects of the fruits of their misdeeds or Karma. They do this by offering Lord Shiva sincere homage and prayer, or "Metat kadhik kuank bhal ke."
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1. Passport and Visa Requirements: Prior to entering the United States, all visitors are required to have a valid passport and, depending on the nature and duration of their trip, may also need to obtain a visa.
2. Money: The US dollar is the official currency of the United States. Despite the widespread acceptance of credit cards in the US, it's still a good idea to bring some cash with you for smaller transactions.
3. The official language of the United States is English, however Spanish is also commonly used in some regions.
4. Transportation: Getting across the US is typically relatively simple thanks to the enormous network of highways, airports, and public transit networks.
5. Accommodations: Hotels, motels, and other lodging options are accessible in most American cities, while rates may vary by region.
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When it comes to formal events, finding the perfect suit is essential. For men, a prom suit is not only a reflection of their personal style, but it also sets the tone for the entire evening. A great Prom Suits For Men can make a lasting impression and leave you feeling confident and stylish.
If you're looking for the perfect prom suit, there are a few things to keep in mind. Firstly, you want to choose a suit that fits well and flatters your body type. Secondly, consider the color and fabric of the suit, as this can greatly impact the overall look and feel.
Discuss the different options available for prom outfits, including suits, tuxedos, and formalwear. Include information on the pros and cons of each option, and provide examples of popular styles. Offer tips and advice for selecting the perfect prom outfit for men. Discuss factors to consider, such as body type, personal style, and budget.
Offer tips and advice for selecting the perfect prom outfit for men. Discuss factors to consider, such as body type, personal style, and budget. Discuss the different options available for prom outfits, including suits, tuxedos, and formalwear. Include information on the pros and cons of each option, and provide examples of popular styles. Prom Outfits Men
We are BARABAS, and we represent the fashion industry. We think fashion has a lot of influence on our lives, and this is why we want to share it with others. That is why we have come up with this business! Prom Tuxedo
When choosing a black prom suit, it's important to pay attention to fit and fabric. A well-fitted suit will be comfortable to wear all night long and will flatter your body shape. For a modern look, consider a slim-fit or tailored suit. Additionally, the fabric of the suit is also important to consider. Look for a high-quality fabric that is durable and has a smooth texture, such as wool or a wool blend.
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Overall, a black prom suit is a classic and stylish choice that is sure to make you look and feel confident at your prom. With the right fit, fabric, and accessories, you can personalize your suit to match your personal style and make a lasting impression. Black Prom Suit
Welcome to the BARABAS world. We are BARABAS, and we represent the fashion industry. We think fashion has a lot of influence. Welcome to the BARABAS world, we represent the fashion industry. We think fashion has a lot of influence on adolescents, because they use their body to express themselves. You will see that we make sure that our boyfriends and husbands know how important it is to dress well as well as being modern, trendy, stylish and different from other people around you.
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While balloons are a fun and festive addition to any event, it's important to remember that they can pose a safety hazard if not handled properly. Always supervise children around balloons, and avoid releasing balloons into the air. Birthday Decoration
A personalized banner is a great way to make the birthday person feel extra special. You can create one yourself using colorful paper or buy one pre-made with the person's name or age. Hang it over the main party area to add a fun and celebratory touch.
The Kaal Sarp Puja is a powerful ritual that is performed by a qualified priest or astrologer. The puja involves the recitation of Vedic mantras, offerings of flowers, fruits, and other sacred items, and the lighting of a sacred fire. The timing and date of the puja are determined based on the individual's birth chart and the position of the planets.
Balloon decoration is the art of using inflated balloons to create decorative arrangements and designs. It is a popular way to add fun and color to various events, such as birthday parties, weddings, corporate events, and other celebrations.
There are many different types of balloon decorations, ranging from simple balloon bouquets to elaborate balloon sculptures and arches. Some common types of balloon decorations include balloon centerpieces, balloon columns, balloon walls, balloon garlands, and balloon arches.
Balloon decoration can be done using different types of balloons, such as latex balloons, foil balloons, and mylar balloons. It can also involve different techniques, such as twisting and sculpting balloons to create specific shapes and designs.
Professional balloon decorators can create custom designs and arrangements based on the client's needs and preferences. They can also offer advice on the best types of balloons and decorations to use for a particular event, as well as tips on how to make the decorations last longer.
Overall, balloon decoration is a fun and creative way to add a festive touch to any event or celebration.
Looking for the perfect way to celebrate your special day? Look no further than our professional Birthday Decoration services! We offer a wide range of decoration options to help you create the perfect atmosphere for your party, no matter the theme or style.
From colorful balloons and streamers to elegant floral arrangements and customized banners, our team of expert decorators can help you transform any space into a festive and inviting party zone. We work closely with you to understand your preferences and budget, and then create a customized decoration plan that fits your needs perfectly.
Welcome the newest member of the family with a beautifully decorated baby-themed wonderland! Our Baby Welcome Decoration service brings a touch of magic to your celebration. We adorn your space with adorable baby-themed banners, colorful balloons, and charming nursery decor, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere for your little one's arrival.
7eventzz is your top choice for balloon decoration services near you. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for creativity, they transform any event into a visually stunning experience. Whether it's a birthday party, wedding, corporate event, or any special occasion, 7eventzz's expert team will work closely with you to bring your vision to life, using balloons to add that extra touch of magic and excitement. Choose 7eventzz for unparalleled balloon decorations that will leave a lasting impression on your guests.
Experience the sweetest moments with our online flower delivery in Palam Vihar, Gurgaon. Let the vibrant blooms and their enchanting fragrances paint a picturesque memory for your loved ones. Add a touch of chocolatey delight to your surprise, making it an unforgettable and delectable gesture. Whether it's a birthday, anniversary, or just a random act of love, our floral arrangements and chocolates will convey your emotions with a touch of sweetness. Choose us for a delightful experience in the heart of Gurgaon, Palam Vihar.
Well written.
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Amazon Seller Reputation & Review Management Services in India by 360 Digitech
In the competitive world of Amazon India, maintaining a strong seller reputation and managing customer reviews effectively is crucial for success. Positive reviews and high seller ratings increase trust, improve search rankings, and drive more sales. 360 Digitech specializes in providing Amazon Seller Reputation & Review Management Services, helping businesses enhance their credibility and sustain long-term growth.
Why is Seller Reputation Important on Amazon?
A strong seller reputation directly impacts business performance on Amazon. Here’s why:
Increases Customer Trust – Buyers are more likely to purchase from highly rated sellers.
Boosts Amazon Rankings – Sellers with positive reviews appear higher in search results.
Improves Conversion Rates – A well-maintained reputation leads to higher sales.
Reduces Negative Feedback Impact – Effective review management helps resolve customer concerns promptly.
How 360 Digitech Helps Manage Amazon Seller Reputation?
360 Digitech offers comprehensive Amazon reputation management solutions to help sellers maintain a positive brand image and optimize customer feedback:
Review Monitoring & Management – Tracking and analyzing customer feedback for insights.
Verified & Authentic Reviews – Encouraging real buyers to share their experiences.
Negative Feedback Resolution – Addressing customer complaints and improving satisfaction.
Amazon-Compliant Reputation Strategies – Using ethical methods to enhance seller credibility.
Services Offered by 360 Digitech for Amazon Sellers
1. Seller Rating Improvement
Optimizing performance metrics to maintain a high seller rating.
2. Verified Customer Reviews
Encouraging authentic reviews from genuine buyers to enhance credibility.
3. Negative Feedback Management
Addressing customer concerns and mitigating the impact of negative reviews.
4. Customer Engagement & Support
Enhancing brand reputation by responding to queries and feedback professionally.
How to Get Started?
Strengthening your Amazon seller reputation and review management with 360 Digitech is easy:
Contact 360 Digitech to discuss your seller reputation goals.
Choose a tailored strategy to improve your ratings and customer feedback.
Implement ethical reputation management techniques for long-term growth.
Monitor and optimize your seller profile with expert guidance.
For Amazon sellers in India, maintaining a strong reputation and positive reviews is essential for sustained success. 360 Digitech provides expert review and reputation management services to help sellers boost customer trust, improve rankings, and increase sales while adhering to Amazon’s guidelines.
Want to build a trusted brand on Amazon? Contact 360 Digitech today for professional reputation management services!
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Amazon Review Marketing Services in India – Get More Customers :-
In the highly competitive Amazon marketplace, customer trust plays a crucial role in driving sales and ensuring long-term business success. Authentic feedback and positive reviews enhance a seller’s credibility, improve rankings, and attract more buyers. 360 Digitech offers expert Amazon Feedback & Review Solutions in India, helping businesses establish a strong online presence and gain customer confidence.
< a href ="">Amazon Review Marketing Services in India – Get More Customers
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